
B.P. 247 l ICTA Proposed Amendments: Questions that need answers

25 avril 2021, 17:26


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Saddened by the current state of the country, I found it urgent to chip in on this latest development regarding the privacy of the regular Mauritian Citizen. Looking beyond the theatricals and damage control exercises now in place to try to coerce the population into accepting these Draconian amendments, let’s understand the implications from the eyes of the layman and average Mauritian.

The lack of proper research in the document is appalling and shows the incompetence of those in charge.


First, let’s have a look at the Board of the ICTA and their abilities to be involved in such technological regulations. Table 1 below is a quick summary of the Board members’ information available online via Google.

Some questions to be asked:

1. How are they qualified to regulate technology without the proper credentials? They aren’t. 
2. Shouldn’t a technology body be directed by someone well versed with technology? It would make sense that the board should consist of people with credentials in technological fields. 
3. Why should we trust a (or 7) political nominee(s) with the current political climate? 
To be honest, we can’t, and we shouldn’t, no matter who is the government of the day.

While there are more questions that can be asked on this topic, we shall restrict ourselves to those only concerned with the current issue and allow the population to think for themselves. 

The rest of the chapters are arranged according to the chapters of the document from the ICTA.


A concerned Mauritian citizen, B.Eng. (Hons.) Mechatronic Engineering M.Eng. candidate Biomedical Engineering