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Premchand Mungar: «We are building strong systems to make SBM Bank a financial powerhouse»

3 avril 2024, 05:55


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Premchand Mungar: «We are building strong systems to make SBM Bank a financial powerhouse»

In an exclusive interview to Business Magazine, Premchand Mungar, who was appointed Chief Executive of SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd in November 2023, shares his vision for the bank and his commitment to transform the banking institution in a financial powerhouse. He also discusses the evolution of the banking industry and how SBM is leveraging technology to better meet the needs of customers across all segments. It’s our cover story of this Wednesday 3rd April 2024 issue. With your copy this week, you will find the second edition of Tech Trends. They are both available at our usual selling outlets but also sold in electronic format at La Sentinelle Kiosk :

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