

MCB’S CEO reiterates commitment to the development of Mauritius

13 juin 2024, 19:30


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MCB’S CEO reiterates commitment to the development of Mauritius

Thierry Hebraud, CEO of The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd, has recently explained how the MCB remains committed to the development of Mauritius. He described this commitment as being “unwavering” and insisted that MCB has supported all the different sectors of the economy, even in difficult times. He described this commitment as not focusing solely on short-term returns but standing steadfastly by its clients in all sectors and accompanying them to realise their strategic objectives. The MCB has proved its support as “unwavering” mostly during hard times: economic or financial crisis, Covid-19 health crisis, etc. and this is because of the motivation to make Mauritius’s economy thriving.

The CEO added that “MCB has also taken the lead in its commitment to assist the country’s transition to a low-carbon economy by offering lines of credit at preferential rates to help the country adapt to climate change”. He urged that adaptation is urgent, with beach erosion threatening the tourism industry, which is currently contributing 25%, to the country’s – Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Thierry Hebraud highlighted the fact that refocusing on the development of the local economy and reducing Mauritius’ dependency on imports is another important aspect of MCB’s support to the economy and the country’s development. (...)

Speaking about MCB’s latest international transformation Thierry Hebraud confidently talked about the challenges of leading a bank with a dual footprint and explained how this financial institution has capitalized on the Mauritius International Finance Centre and succeeded in turning it into an important source of the MCB’s financial performance. Mr Hebraud spoke of his conviction and belief in MCB’s Mauritian identity, history and achievements. He explained that what MCB does on the international front is possible only because of what this financial institution means on the local front and its leading position. (...)

Thierry Hebraud spoke about MCB’s positioning in Africa saying that MCB is the leading African bank in the niche market of Oil and Gas. Regarding this success he explained that Mauritius decision to create an International Financial Centre “has been the source of much of the country’s economic transformation”. “I think Mauritius is the only real IFC in Africa. It has created many opportunities for the country, and there’s still potential to develop that business further.”