
Rapport de l’Audit- Safe City: l’opacité autour des contrats dénoncé par le bureau de l’Audit

23 mars 2021, 16:30


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Rapport de l’Audit- Safe City: l’opacité autour des contrats dénoncé par le bureau de l’Audit

La police a signé deux contrats avec Mauritius Telecom pour le projet Safe City. Le premier concernel’ Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) and Intelligent Traffic Surveillance (ITS) cameras, and Centralised Command and Control Centre au coût de $ 410 millions sur une période de 20 ans. Par la suite, $ 9.3 millions ont été ajoutées pour l’installation de poteaux en acier pour les caméras. Le deuxième contrat concernait un «lease of Radio Communications System» pour une somme de $ 46 millions sur 20 ans. 

“Under the first contract, Government was required to make a non-refundable advance payment of US$ 13 million (VAT Exclusive), annual fees of US$ 16.6 million (VAT Exclusive) during the first seven years and US$ 21.6 million (VAT Exclusive) for the remaining 13 years. Additional annual amounts of US$ 714,000 (VAT Exclusive) are payable during the first 12 years and US$ 95,000 (VAT Exclusive) during the remaining period for the provision of steel poles. An annual amount of some US$ 2.3 million (VAT Exclusive) is also payable under the second contract on a quarterly basis. The total contract amount was thus US$ 465.3 million, exclusive of VAT” souligne le rapport.

Cependant, malgré les clauses de la Constitution qui stipule que mes officiers de l’Audit doivent avoir accès à tous les comptes, les contrats de Safe City ont été maintenus secrets à cause des clauses de confidentialité. L’avis du bureau de l’Attorney General a été sollicité sur cette affaire.

Quelques observations du bureau de l’Audit :

18 months after the scheduled completion date (June 2019), the SCP was not fully operational.

As of 28 January 2021, User Acceptance Test (UAT) for IVS cameras was carried out at 756 of the 2,000 sites from which footages were being received.

Only one of the seven sub-command centres was commissioned.

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the hosting of servers has still not been finalised.

From the government side, implementation of the project is being monitored by staff of the Police Service. A Consultant was not appointed for the management and coordination of this major project.

Some 50 per cent of funds provided for in the budgets for the past three years have not been utilised.

The validity and accuracy of total payments of some Rs 760 million as of 30 June 2020 could not be ascertained as relevant documents were not made available.